The Inglewood Amicae was charted by the Omicron Rho Zeta chapter in 1997 and recently reactivated in 2011. Zeta Amicae is a group of women that promote service, display desirable qualities and promote high ideals in their communities, and lend assistance to their local Zeta chapter members and their programs. Zeta Amicae are important to the sorority because they allow Zeta to extend her hands towards all citizens of the community, regardless of educational background.
Zeta Amicae may be mothers, relatives, and friends of sorors in any city where there is an active graduate chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. This membership may be extended to other women who are reputable citizens in their communities, have an interest in Zeta activities and have taken an active part in community affairs, but may not be eligible for membership in Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated.